20th Century Inspired Art


Salvador Dali - The Persistence of Memory, 1931

Abstract Expressionism

Briefly before and during the Second World War, many creatives moved from Europe and found refuge in the United States. Incidentally, it was the period in which Abstract Expressionism emerged in America. The war is often associated with this style, usually as an explanation for the embodiment of chaos found in these paintings. The other reason for this is the period of regression that was happening in Europe at the time, when Hitler and the Nazi Party proclaimed all types of non-traditional art "degenerate".[4] As the name suggests, the style reflected inner emotion and self-expression, through non-figurative means that often (but not exclusively) involved the trace of the author's body movements or brush strokes. Although most of us automatically think of Jackson Pollock and his dripping technique, Abstract Expressionism was more of a philosophy than a name for a unified visual identity. Nonetheless, it was the first internationally acclaimed influential movement to originate in America.
