The Soul Of The Great Bell: A Reflection

The Soul Of The Great Bell: A Reflection

                The soul of the great bell is a chinese legend by Lafcanio Hearn. This story is all about father daughter relationship. This story is from the past but we can still apply the lessons from it to the present. 


                   Chinese's tradition foot binding, Was seen as sign of beauty and preparation for marriage. When a girl was of a marriageable age but men and women have different marriageable age men are 20 yrs and women are 22, The mothers of marriageable men would come to her home and check the size of her feet.

                    Kouan-Yu had a daughter named Ko-Ngai. She loved her father so much that she refused a hundred of suitors. So Ko-Ngai preferred her father than than other men.

                    The part of the story when Ko-Ngai saw her father' letter from Yung-Lo telling her father if he wont succeed for the third time, He will be killed, Ko-Ngai risks her life just for father's sake. He loved her father so much to risk her life for his.

                     I have come to a realization that if you love someone, you will care for his/her life even if yours isn't safe anymore. Kouan-Yu also workhard in order the bell to be made successfully.

