How to deal with manipulative people

             An equally annoying personality trait of a manipulative person is that they are more often than not passive-aggressive. A manipulative person may use this sort of behavior to get out of something or to get their way. They may even do this to make you mad without outright doing something insulting towards you.

- Ignore everything they do and say, never take orders from them.
- Hit their center of gravity, try to be the center of interest                                                              
- Stop compromising. ...
- Never ask for permission, it's because your like giving them the authorization to take control of your  actions.
- Create a greater sense of purpose.
- Trust your judgment, never take choices of your judgement

      Psychological manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the behavior or perception of others through abusive, deceptive or underhanded tactics. By advancing the interests of the manipulator, often at another's expense, such methods could be considered exploitative, abusive, devious, and deceptive. Although all the above happens from time to time, just as many other inappropriate ways happen in society, it is not the norm. The norm ranges from negotiation, debate, discussion, asking, Sometimes it’s exchange of favors, sometimes its exchange of goods. Manipulation is unethical and is generally used as a tool by unethical people.
